Hong Kong at dusk, part II

It feels weird (and probably is) to write about the beauty of Hong Kong, while the present of that wonderful city is overshadowed by violent conflicts, and its future not looking very bright either… But not to praise its attractions and to refrain from sharing with you the wonderful experiences I had during the shortContinue reading “Hong Kong at dusk, part II”

Hong Kong at dusk, part I

Every photographer will tell you that one of the best times of the day for taking pictures is the hour before and especially after sunset. From my own experience I can totally confirm this basic rule and I try to make use of these favourable light conditions whenever I can. Normally I am somewhere outdoorsContinue reading “Hong Kong at dusk, part I”

Display man

Although I am pretty much a rookie in the world of blogging (with one week‘s experience, to be exact), I think one basic rule is obvious: Never post the same picture twice! But rules are there to be broken. You remember how last Sunday evening the lovely receptionist at Mei Ho House ordered that taxiContinue reading “Display man”


(Yes, I can resist the temptation to add the subtitle: ‘Sebastian in Wonderland’. Definitely too silly a pun…) Weimar, Germany, August 2004. First day of the ‘Weimar Summer Courses’, my first major task as newly employed project assistant at the Bauhaus University within the EU funded project HERMES. It’s a huge event with more thanContinue reading “Alice”

What on earth does ‘ho-ho-ho-ho’ mean in Cantonese…?

Or: my dramatic departure. Picture the following scene: I am standing at the reception in Mei Ho House hostel in Hong Kong, having just checked out of my room and returned the key card. The wonderful young receptionist has urged me to leave early for the airport. Not because she wants to get rid ofContinue reading “What on earth does ‘ho-ho-ho-ho’ mean in Cantonese…?”

High-speed tram

Few people know that Hong Kong boasts the fastest tramway in the whole world. That is really surprising, since the legendary ‘Ding Ding’ is such a famous tourist attraction. I had heard rumours about the breathtaking speed of these vehicles which otherwise come across as, umm, rather traditional. And don’t you be fooled by theContinue reading “High-speed tram”

Tree trunks and tower blocks

Today, during my third day in Hong Kong, a thought crossed my mind. It’s something I hadn’t noticed before here, or at least not consciously. I am talking about the omnipresence of visual structures in this city. Of course there is more to HK than structures – there’s monkeys, butterflies, birds, and even poisonous snakesContinue reading “Tree trunks and tower blocks”

First impressions of Hong Kong

Let me be honest with you: I planned my entire trip in April this year, i.e. more than six months ago. Had I known back then what I know now about the political situation in Hong Kong, I would have probably chosen a different destination for my extended stop-over on my way to the SouthContinue reading “First impressions of Hong Kong”