Staring at the sea

Being an archipelago, New Caledonia (or Kanaky, if you prefer) is much characterised by the Pacific Ocean in various shapes and forms. One such form is the lagoon of Ouvéa. Those of you with a good memory will recall that I spent several days on this little island last December in search of , amongContinue reading “Staring at the sea”

Wobbly mattresses

Full title of this article: Wobbly mattresses and other things to keep you busy on your first day of the school holidays. Main protagonists of the story:the aforementioned wobbly mattresses (two),a broom,a door,a curtain,a wall,little boys (three),an unimpressed dog,(a photographer). It’s the first day of “les vacances”on the island of Lifou. Well, strictly speaking, schoolContinue reading “Wobbly mattresses”

The ghost of the forest

For some strange reason, I have earned myself the reputation of being the German gentleman who likes to play it safe. (If you really, really want to have all the background info, just watch Kane Williams’ travel video). Now, there is indeed no denying the fact that ‘no risk, no fun’ isn’t really my lifeContinue reading “The ghost of the forest”

Christmas in the lagoon

We have already established two important facts with regard to Christmas 2019 in New Caledonia: Firstly, yes, they do know it’s Christmas. And secondly, I had the huge privilege to spend a wonderful Christmas Eve among complete strangers (now friends). But that’s not even the whole story! More miracles were to happen. Ever since myContinue reading “Christmas in the lagoon”

Friends old and new (part 1)

One evening, a few days before Christmas, I happened to wander around Noumea’s Place des Cocotiers. I had met with Kane (my fellow traveller) and another guy called Jérémy to eat a falafel (slow and expensive, but delicious). Afterwards Kane was searching for some yoga friends in the crowded square, and I kind of followedContinue reading “Friends old and new (part 1)”

Hilltop hikes

While I was staying with them in Nelson for four days, my friends Yulia and Yarek took me to a number of really interesting spots in the northwestern part of South Island. We went for lovely walks amid breathtaking scenery (let’s say they were moderate hikes), and some decent birds were also seen. On theContinue reading “Hilltop hikes”

Sydney 1 – Auckland 0

The good news first: Auckland has construction workers, yay! The biggest deficit I experienced in New Caledonia during those five weeks of my stay there was the almost complete absence of women and men in security gear operating heavy machinery in the streets. Or controlling the traffic. And you know how I have a softContinue reading “Sydney 1 – Auckland 0”