What on earth does ‘ho-ho-ho-ho’ mean in Cantonese…?

Or: my dramatic departure. Picture the following scene: I am standing at the reception in Mei Ho House hostel in Hong Kong, having just checked out of my room and returned the key card. The wonderful young receptionist has urged me to leave early for the airport. Not because she wants to get rid ofContinue reading “What on earth does ‘ho-ho-ho-ho’ mean in Cantonese…?”

High-speed tram

Few people know that Hong Kong boasts the fastest tramway in the whole world. That is really surprising, since the legendary ‘Ding Ding’ is such a famous tourist attraction. I had heard rumours about the breathtaking speed of these vehicles which otherwise come across as, umm, rather traditional. And don’t you be fooled by theContinue reading “High-speed tram”