Wobbly mattresses

Full title of this article: Wobbly mattresses and other things to keep you busy on your first day of the school holidays.

Main protagonists of the story:
the aforementioned wobbly mattresses (two),
a broom,
a door,
a curtain,
a wall,
little boys (three),
an unimpressed dog,
(a photographer).

It’s the first day of “les vacances”on the island of Lifou. Well, strictly speaking, school isn’t over yet. The holidays will only begin the following week. But the teacher at the primary school in Chépénéhé has told the pupils they don’t need to come anymore but are allowed to stay at home. Or so I’m told…

So the kids stay at home on this hot summer day in mid-December. Yet they discover quickly (albeit not voluntarily) that not having to attend school doesn’t mean you don’t have to do serious work…

They are asked to make themselves useful around the house. At least clean the floor and take out the mattresses from the living room where they slept. Laziness is not an option!

Easier said than done!

Well, the first mattress wasn’t so difficult.


But now number two. That one proves to be a lot more resistant…

What on earth is the matter with this thing? It can’t be THAT difficult, can it?

Oh but it can.

Stupid thing!

Victory at last! But is the dog impressed? Apparently not.

The kid on the right clearly is the perfectionist in the team. The mattress was clearly leaning against the wall already. Or maybe he wanted to impress the photographer.

“Can we go back to school tomorrow, please?”

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Published by Sebastian

Geographer, naturalist and photographer (www.schroeder-esch.de). Based in Germany, but always keen to travel and explore

2 thoughts on “Wobbly mattresses

  1. Das hätten meine Topper auch mal nötig…
    Ich möchte auch wieder zur Schule gehen!

    Hab ein schönes Wochenende & bleib gesund!

    xxx Britta

    Liked by 1 person

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